1048 - Yes, date unknown
Name |
Born |
CA 1048 |
Gender |
Male |
_DNA |
- I-Y19649 is currently estimated to be at least over 1000 years old so this ancestor could have been born c.1021
Armitage, Lockwood/Locke & Newton ; Share this Common Ancestor.
Via BIGY it appears that the large Lockwood clan may stem from an ARMITAGE male.
Lockwood all descend via one man estimated to have lived c.1271.
It is documented in records that around 1277 - 1297 Adam de Locwode the son of John was granted land with Gardens and Buildings that was named the Hermitage.
We also see in records from 1379 Willelmus del Erymatache is found.
This place became known as Armitage Bridge and from this point in time we see the name of Armytage and Armitage evolve.
There are no traditional records connecting early Armitage and some Armitage can only trace back to the 1500's and anything before that is only assumed.
From the Lockwood & Armitage DNA projects and BIGY testing we know a form of Armitage must have been in use from at least 200 years before the historical records noted above.
This is a Scandinavian Cluster, I belive originated in Denmark, They could have entererd* Britain in Anglo Saxon times and YSTR markers for these men were considered to be Anglo Saxon markers.
I-Y19649 which is the main Branch for this cluster is estimated to be a man born c.1021 CE.
*There may also be an indication this Clan actually entered the Bristish Isles with William the Conquerer in 1066 as the name Hermytage was in use in France.
MORE BIGY DNA TESTS are needed from Armitage & Lockwood who stem from West Yorkshire as there must be more hidden Branches we need to find.
I encourage any Armitage or Lockwood to Join the relevant DNA projects at FTDNA and do BIGY combined with a Family Finder test. So you can be a part of this Historical ongoing research.
This is the public timeline chart for Lockwood/Armitage Cluster
I-Y19883 are all Lockwood descendants.
The other 4 branches stemming from I-Y19649 are Armitage.
Nigel Brooks
Updated April 2024
Funding for YDNA & BIGY for this cluster may be available.
Died |
Yes, date unknown |
Person ID |
I19632 |
BROOKS Family History |
Last Modified |
10 Dec 2024 |
Children |
| 1. I-FTB60361 ARMITAGE\JONES, b. CA 1281, d. Yes, date unknown |
| 2. I-Y19883 LOCKWOOD\LOCKE, b. 1271, d. Yes, date unknown |
| 3. I-BY176969 ARMITAGE, b. CA 1606, d. Yes, date unknown |
| 4. SNP not yet Defined ARMITAGE\NEWTON, d. Yes, date unknown |
Last Modified |
9 Dec 2024 |
Family ID |
F6283 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |