OpenStreetMap Latitude: 53.5212278, Longitude: -1.2759361
BaptismMatches 1 to 6 of 6
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Baptism |
Person ID |
1 |
LOCKWOOD, Charles | 28 Apr 1831 | Barnburgh, Yorkshire | I10965 |
2 |
LOCKWOOD, Elizabeth | 26 Sep 1836 | Barnburgh, Yorkshire | I10963 |
3 |
LOCKWOOD, Joseph | 25 Feb 1827 | Barnburgh, Yorkshire | I15752 |
4 |
LOCKWOOD, Sarah | 26 Nov 1834 | Barnburgh, Yorkshire | I10962 |
5 |
LOCKWOOD, Vincent | 18 Nov 1832 | Barnburgh, Yorkshire | I10961 |
6 |
LOCKWOOD, William | 28 Jun 1829 | Barnburgh, Yorkshire | I10964 |
MarriedMatches 1 to 1 of 1